Friday, February 1, 2008

What Interests You?

Well, thank goodness that test is over! Now, for some free thinking.. . Last time I asked you to blog, you thought and wrote about how science is useful, how it can be good for mankind or not so good for mankind, whether science should be used to solve problems or whether science could be free to just experiment. I like what you wrote and I enjoyed hearing your thoughts. Now I'd like to focus your thoughts to what interests you in the world of science. I need to bring your focus down to the world of chemistry, but, if you think about it, all science could probably be boiled down to chemistry at some level, can't it.

There's some cool stuff going on in our world - genetics, nanotechnology, strange diseases and the medicines discovered to cure them, man/mermaid found on Mars. . . I'd like you to think of something about which you're curious or interested in science. Scroll around on the internet, reading stuff, thinking about really cool things that are happening in science (chemistry) right now. Then, make a list of topics that you find (or think of) that are interesting to you. Also, make another link list on your blog page where you can include links that you found that you don't want to lose. Ultimately, I'm going to ask you to choose a topic and do a bit of casual research on the topic, so if you find a great site, include it in your link list.

Your assignment, then, is to spend some time "surfing" and thinking about cool science. (Best assignment in the world!) Make a list of at least 5 topics/ideas that interest you (related somehow to chemistry), make a linklist for research links with at least 5 links to something cool you found. After making your list of topics and link list, write a short reflective paragraph about something you found and why it's so cool to you.

This blog assignment is due on Tuesday, Feb 5 at 9:00AM. Over and Out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey mrs v, do we have to comment other blogs for this one? i guess i will just in case